Wednesday 1 October 2014

Make it your own!

Assalammualaikum guys....:p

Today's entry:

        Do you know what plagiarism means? Is there any teacher at your school, college or university ever mention about this? Actually, plagiarism is really a big issue and you should not take it easy as it is already local and global phenomenon nowadays. It is okay if you do not know yet but today i will share the information about plagiarism and make sure after read my entry you guys will not committed plagiarism anymore. 
       Plagiarism means the presentation of the work of another person as one's own without proper acknowledgement. There are many example of plagiarism attitude such as copy work of a fellow student such as assignment, lab data, quiz and etc. Next, material is copied word for word from books, journal or internet sites and many more. The translate of the work into English from certain languages, do not cite your own work with the correct citation and simple paraphrasing which closely to the original. Furthermore, copy and paste attitude with buying papers online, self-plagiarism (recycling your own work whether from diploma or college past), fabrication data (answer the questionnaire by yourself to manipulate data so that you will get a good data), collusion (when you discuss with your friend the answer and write it out the same answer between you and your friend), outsourcing (when you ask someone else to do work for you and you pay them) and last but not least undeserved distribution ( when you are in group work but one of the member do not contribute anything during the discussion process but his name is being put into the work).

        There are several ways on how to avoid plagiarism such as you must explain where you got your information by insert the correct citation, you can send your work into turn-it in so that you can check how many percent is your purity of work, you need to place "quotations marks" around the words that you copied, paraphrasing sentences correctly so that it is not closely similar to the original, use your own words, cite with your name when you use your own work from previous study, do not buy papers in internet and lastly do not fabricate data but try to explain how you cannot get the good data.

        For your information, plagiarism can cause many bad effects such as it is not ethical, stealing others work, no integrity, no honestly, produce low quality of students, give bad image of university and etc. Therefore, you should make a step in order to prevent plagiarism in your work;you should try to read, understand and make it on your own word. By avoiding plagiarism, you can further higher and get a good job. Besides, everyone will trust you and your employer will respect. 

So guys, i hope everything that i have shared will give you little information about plagiarism and make you realise how bad plagiarism can effect your life. Let's prevent plagiarism!!!!! yeahhhh....


Teacher wannabe :p 


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