Monday 8 December 2014


How to write an essay? There are three parts consists in an essay which are introduction, body and conclusion. However, there are three paragraph contains in body which each paragraph state one main point. Firstly, in order to attract the reader to read the whole essay thus the introduction must be really interesting so that reader will continue reading the whole essay. First impression is always important. Therefore, the introduction must be really attractive as it can be started with short story, situation, and dialog. Besides, introduction must contain general statement and thesis statement. The general statement consists of brief introduction and definition while the thesis statement contains all main point and gives the overall picture of the whole essay. There are two ways of writing thesis statement which are specific thesis statement and general thesis statement. Specific thesis statement is consists of all main point that are stated each paragraph in body part while general thesis statement just give the general idea and leaving out specific point. The most important is thing is do not use a question as thesis statement. 

Next, the body part of an essay should contain at least three paragraphs which each paragraph must state topic sentence, supporting details and concluding sentence. The topic sentence should state the main idea or point that have stated in thesis statement. Besides, the supporting details should contain any information or example that can support your topic sentence. Furthermore, the concluding sentence must state that all details have support or prove the topic sentence. Therefore, body is the main part that explains the content of the essay and full of information. Last but not least, after state the whole introduction and body parts then it is the time to conclude the essay. Conclusion is the last part of an essay. The conclusion must include the summary of main point, restatement of thesis statement and concluding the statement. It is means that is either the thesis statement that mention earlier satisfies the purpose of writing an essay. 

Paraphrasing??? Is that necessary? 

What is means by paraphrase? Paraphrase word come from word par a phase which par means equal. Therefore, paraphrasing is putting your own words that have equal meaning to the original. Two of the techniques used in paraphrasing a sentence are changing some of the words to their definitions, or using synonyms. However, these techniques do not usually require changing the structure of the sentence, but they do require some understanding of the meaning of the sentence. Besides, paraphrasing also is a rewriting of text in your own words. It is used to clarify meaning and to shorten a longer statement but keeps the main ideas.

 However, paraphrasing is quite challenging for some students as they tends to copy the original text. Besides, their knowledge on vocabulary is low thus it leads to insufficient in changing words. Moreover, students usually just changing a few words but do not change the structure of sentence. Students usually misunderstood that by change everything do not mean it yours but must give credit to the author. Then, to do paraphrasing we must read the passage carefully, decide the main ideas of the passage, highlight important words or phrases and put the main points in your own words. There are also three ways on how to do a good paraphrasing. Firstly, it is same meaning. You must include all important ideas but do not add new ideas and alter the tone and original intentions. Next, use your own words by changing vocabulary as much as possible and change sentences structure. Moreover, do not copy more than five words in row and quote it. Last but not least, cite the original source by give credit to the author. 

There are also three method of paraphrasing which are Grammar Help method, Retelling method and Chunking method. Grammar Help method is useful when paraphrasing short sentences. There are few steps of Grammar Help method which are read the original sentences several times until you grasp the meaning. Next, underline important words and the vocabulary. Lastly, check your paraphrased version. There are also several help techniques to do Grammar Help method which are use sentence linkers, substitute some of the words with synonyms, change the parts of speech, change the verb to negative and change the voice by changing active sentences to passive sentences. 

Sunday 7 December 2014


The movie is Kungfu Panda 2, it is a cartoon animation movie; however it is full of meaning and life lessons which are good for us as a students to learn in order to survive in life. We know that today many teenagers are having a depression as they cannot and does not strong to face an advance world nowadays. They tend to feel more inferiority and at last fell down and do bad things like suicide, run from home and do a lot of problems. Thus, this movie is good as it portrays how strong and determine the main character which is Po, the panda that we can see from his physical that are fat and not suitable to fight. However, Po did have a big dream to learn Kungfu and become a dragon warrior even his physical make it seem impossible. However, Po did not feel inferiority but he try really hard to show that he can do Kungfu well in his own way. This attitude we need to buried in our heart in order to fight against the world. Believe in yourself and improve yourself to become better every day.

 This movie also shown that environment plays important roles towards one’s life. We can see that behind Po success there are Master Shifu who the one that teach Po on how to use Kungfu, Mr. Ping who is Po’s adopted parent who always serve Po well as his own son. 

Furthermore, there is also The Five Warrior which is Tigress, Mantis, Viper, Monkey and Crane who are always help Po if he is in trouble. Po can be successful and strong as he has everyone and family who always support and be there for him. Thus, teenagers nowadays should find good friends and ask your family to support you and share story with them and ask them for an advice. From this movie also Po has a conflict as he suddenly remember about his childhood and biological parent when he see a symbol on the lead wolf’s armor thus from there he knows that he is not Mr. Ping real son. He tries to figure out what is actually happening to his childhood therefore he goes after Lord Shen in Gongmen City. At there, Po has to fight against Shen’s new weapon in order to save the Gongmen City from the evil Shen. However, Po has been really wounded after been attack by the new weapon until he nearly be death. Fortunately, Po has been saved and treated by the Soothsayer and be healthy again. During that time, Po learn the inner peace where from that he can remember all his childhood memories and find out that Lord Shen has kill his biological parents long time ago. From this, we can learn that when we calm actually we can face the world better.

I am actually enjoy reading the article given as I like to drink coffee, however never know the process of making coffee and how coffee was found, who is the founder and how did it spread to the whole world until now. Besides, I also dos not know that there are many types of coffee and even they have been classified due to its quality. How surprised is it right? 

By reading the article give me some information about coffee like the founder of coffee is an Ethiopian goatherd named Kaldi. He found it when his goats were behaving very strangely by jumping around and almost dancing. Then, he noticed that the red cherries from a plant that the goats were eating. He tried some himself and was surprised by the feeling of extreme happiness and excitement. Moreover, at first coffee was not been drink but as a food. The coffee berries was mixed with animal fat and usually been used by monks to stay awake during long hours of prayer. Yemen later was cultivated the coffee berries and the first hot drink was developed there. Three centuries later Muslims were keen coffee drinkers and as Islam spreads, so did coffee. However, the beans were smuggled out of Arabia to other countries and now the largest coffee producer in the world is Brazil. Besides, coffee contain large amount of caffeine thus it can stimulate the nervous system. However, cannot drink coffee in large amount and every day as it can cause anxiety and restlessness. Moreover, bean belt is the band around the middle of the world between the tropics of Capricorn and Cancer. A coffee plant likes lots of rain and shaded sun with rich soil, and the climate in the bean belt is ideal. The stronger is Robusta which can survive in higher temperature and lower altitudes. The coffee is roasted for depends on the market as only 7 minutes for the North Americans who prefer a light roast, but double that time for espresso coffee favored by the Italians. Nestle and Kraft account for almost 80% of all the instant-coffee sales worldwide. It is an interesting story right about coffee and a lot of information is given by the article. 


Every day in life, we read everything such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, notes and advertisement board. However, the purpose of reading is slightly different in each material. As an examples, when we read Facebook we just scroll everything until we find something that interesting but when we read notes we tends to go through the whole things in order to understand the notes. Why we read text? There are to main purpose of reading which are for academic or to know something. In reading, there are several skills that people should use so that they can easily understand and grasp main ideas. Firstly, recognizing text provided. Then, understand information follow by interpreting meaning and transcoding information. Next, scanning the text to find certain information such as scanning crush’s post on Facebook to know what is his favorite hobby. Besides, skimming by skip any rubbish post or unnecessary information. Last but not least, identifying the main point which this skill usually being use in academic reading.

 Let us focus deeper in scanning and skimming skills by seeing the advantages and how to do scanning and skimming process. Skimming is the process of quickly identify main ideas of a text. The advantages of skimming is 3 to 4 times faster than regular reading thus it is used when there is a lot of material and a short amount of time. There are also steps on how to do skimming which are read the first and last paragraph, read headings, subheadings, titles, subtitles, and illustrations, read the first sentence of every paragraph. Besides, skimming works well with dates, names and places. Then scanning is used to search for key terms. Furthermore, scanning is good to use when determining whether a source will have the answers that we are looking for. There steps for do scanning are by looking at how the author organizes his information, look for bold faces, italics, or different sized fonts and the author may also put key information in the margins of pages.    

Skimming and scanning are very rapid reading methods in which we can glance at a passage to find specific information. These reading methods make it easier for us to grasp large amounts of material, especially when we are previewing. They are also useful when we do not need to know every word. I also can use SQ3R study system which the method is a simple, systematic approach to studying textbook material. It can enhance our comprehension and retention of material that been read. It consists of five steps which are survey, question, read, recite and review. Thus, I think this is really giving advantages for me as a student in order to save time during revision time.

Wednesday 22 October 2014



Enjoy my latest entry..hope it might give you some knowledge that can be useful in future :p

        As a high level student it is compulsory for us to taking notes during the lecture. Furthermore, as a human we cannot remember everything that have been taught in a class by just listening to the lecture. Therefore, notes taking are really important. However, we cannot just randomly taking notes without having correct skills as it cannot give us any advantages. This is because we might miss something or confused between the main ideas and non-important information. 

        There are many reasons why is it important to take notes as lecturer must have share information that not available in textbooks and then make connection. Moreover, by taking notes it helps you become an “active listener” and a “critical thinker” and it also facilitates learning. Then, you must know how to prepare to take notes like review the course syllabus first before entering the class so that you can look for the valuable information that you should makes as priority when taking notes. Besides, identify the kind of testing as whether your note should be in essay, multiple choices or which form that make you easily understand and it is also important to have or find friends that are really good in taking note as it will be easier for you to refer their notes when you cannot attend the class. Moreover, you must adopt a questioning attitude like asking yourself on what you will be learning today. Last but not least, choose an effective note taking systems which are Cornell, outline, mapping, charting and sentences or paragraph method.

        Firstly, Cornell method is describe as a systematic format of condensing and organizing notes without need for laborious recopying, by dividing paper into specific sections. Furthermore, you can use this method in any lecture situation and there are many advantages using this method such as it provide an organized and systematic means for recording and reviewing notes. Besides, it is an easy format that can be understand by everyone and it also simple but really efficient. The more important thing is it saves time and effort and no disadvantages of this method.

      Next, Outline method is describe as starting with general information at the left, with more specific facts and clarifications indented to the right. You also can use this method when lecture is organized and sequential and there is enough time in lecture to think about and make organizational decisions. Moreover, the advantages is well organized system, reduce need to edit and easy to turn main points into questions but it also have many disadvantages such as it requires more taught in class for accurate organization, may not show relationship and very difficult if the lecture is very fast. Therefore, it is important for students to know their ability in understanding notes so that they can easily choose the note taking method that suits them.

Thank you for reading...:) see you soon........


Wednesday 15 October 2014



How are you? Ready for the new entry...huhuhuhu:) let's go......enjoy!

There are three rules in sourcing materials for assignment which are the source should be credible, reliable and valid. What are the examples of less reliable and reliable source? Less reliable sourcing materials are come from blogs, discussion forum, social network and yahoo answer while more reliable source are academic journal and education web. The less reliable sourcing materials can read but cannot use and cite it in academic writings.

How to know materials are credible, reliable and valid?

You can observe three criteria in order to recognize whether the sourcing materials which are URL address, content and currency. Firstly, URL address that have .gov, .edu, .ac, .org are website that you can trust and take the materials from that while for .com URL address you must be cautious when want to use materials from that. Since, it is for commercial. Next, about content. You must observe the references, audience, author and bias/prejudice in the content. From references provide by author, you can see whether the author use other source in his writings. At least, you can know whether the author use the right source. You also can look to whom the article was written for and it is the article suitable on what you want to write in assignment. Then, look into the author expertness area whether he is very expert in the area like he has been working in affiliated company. Moreover, look at the credential whether the author is certified from any university. Last but not least, google the author bio and look for another information like maybe the author has won any competition in that area. You also must look for the currency like date and copyright, is it the article has been updated recently or it has been outdated. Besides, look at the copyright at the bottom of the webpage for more information about the article.

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Make it your own!

Assalammualaikum guys....:p

Today's entry:

        Do you know what plagiarism means? Is there any teacher at your school, college or university ever mention about this? Actually, plagiarism is really a big issue and you should not take it easy as it is already local and global phenomenon nowadays. It is okay if you do not know yet but today i will share the information about plagiarism and make sure after read my entry you guys will not committed plagiarism anymore. 
       Plagiarism means the presentation of the work of another person as one's own without proper acknowledgement. There are many example of plagiarism attitude such as copy work of a fellow student such as assignment, lab data, quiz and etc. Next, material is copied word for word from books, journal or internet sites and many more. The translate of the work into English from certain languages, do not cite your own work with the correct citation and simple paraphrasing which closely to the original. Furthermore, copy and paste attitude with buying papers online, self-plagiarism (recycling your own work whether from diploma or college past), fabrication data (answer the questionnaire by yourself to manipulate data so that you will get a good data), collusion (when you discuss with your friend the answer and write it out the same answer between you and your friend), outsourcing (when you ask someone else to do work for you and you pay them) and last but not least undeserved distribution ( when you are in group work but one of the member do not contribute anything during the discussion process but his name is being put into the work).

        There are several ways on how to avoid plagiarism such as you must explain where you got your information by insert the correct citation, you can send your work into turn-it in so that you can check how many percent is your purity of work, you need to place "quotations marks" around the words that you copied, paraphrasing sentences correctly so that it is not closely similar to the original, use your own words, cite with your name when you use your own work from previous study, do not buy papers in internet and lastly do not fabricate data but try to explain how you cannot get the good data.

        For your information, plagiarism can cause many bad effects such as it is not ethical, stealing others work, no integrity, no honestly, produce low quality of students, give bad image of university and etc. Therefore, you should make a step in order to prevent plagiarism in your work;you should try to read, understand and make it on your own word. By avoiding plagiarism, you can further higher and get a good job. Besides, everyone will trust you and your employer will respect. 

So guys, i hope everything that i have shared will give you little information about plagiarism and make you realise how bad plagiarism can effect your life. Let's prevent plagiarism!!!!! yeahhhh....


Teacher wannabe :p 


Friday 19 September 2014

First time blogging :P


Whoaaa...i am so excited to start this blog..!!! *OMG

Really nervous since i am not so good in expressing my feeling through writing...hahaha

but i decided to take this challenge and will work hard to post something that interesting in my journey =p wehuuuu....*excited enough*

                                           This is how i look actually right now =p hihihi...

There are several reasons why i'm doing this blogging things...first it was my English lecturer who 
come out with an interesting idea about having a blog in order to improve our writing...well actually
its quite an impressive idea since i can spend my precious time writing some stories about my life 
and at the same time i also can improve my writing :) *it is like kill two birds with one stone* 

So....wait till my next post. I am going to share knowledge about how to taking notes in class. it is really simple things however i am pretty sure that some of you might not know the proper or efficient ways to taking down notes =p

well...see you soon dearies...till we meet again

Sincerely, teacher wannabe <3