Wednesday 22 October 2014



Enjoy my latest entry..hope it might give you some knowledge that can be useful in future :p

        As a high level student it is compulsory for us to taking notes during the lecture. Furthermore, as a human we cannot remember everything that have been taught in a class by just listening to the lecture. Therefore, notes taking are really important. However, we cannot just randomly taking notes without having correct skills as it cannot give us any advantages. This is because we might miss something or confused between the main ideas and non-important information. 

        There are many reasons why is it important to take notes as lecturer must have share information that not available in textbooks and then make connection. Moreover, by taking notes it helps you become an “active listener” and a “critical thinker” and it also facilitates learning. Then, you must know how to prepare to take notes like review the course syllabus first before entering the class so that you can look for the valuable information that you should makes as priority when taking notes. Besides, identify the kind of testing as whether your note should be in essay, multiple choices or which form that make you easily understand and it is also important to have or find friends that are really good in taking note as it will be easier for you to refer their notes when you cannot attend the class. Moreover, you must adopt a questioning attitude like asking yourself on what you will be learning today. Last but not least, choose an effective note taking systems which are Cornell, outline, mapping, charting and sentences or paragraph method.

        Firstly, Cornell method is describe as a systematic format of condensing and organizing notes without need for laborious recopying, by dividing paper into specific sections. Furthermore, you can use this method in any lecture situation and there are many advantages using this method such as it provide an organized and systematic means for recording and reviewing notes. Besides, it is an easy format that can be understand by everyone and it also simple but really efficient. The more important thing is it saves time and effort and no disadvantages of this method.

      Next, Outline method is describe as starting with general information at the left, with more specific facts and clarifications indented to the right. You also can use this method when lecture is organized and sequential and there is enough time in lecture to think about and make organizational decisions. Moreover, the advantages is well organized system, reduce need to edit and easy to turn main points into questions but it also have many disadvantages such as it requires more taught in class for accurate organization, may not show relationship and very difficult if the lecture is very fast. Therefore, it is important for students to know their ability in understanding notes so that they can easily choose the note taking method that suits them.

Thank you for reading...:) see you soon........


Wednesday 15 October 2014



How are you? Ready for the new entry...huhuhuhu:) let's go......enjoy!

There are three rules in sourcing materials for assignment which are the source should be credible, reliable and valid. What are the examples of less reliable and reliable source? Less reliable sourcing materials are come from blogs, discussion forum, social network and yahoo answer while more reliable source are academic journal and education web. The less reliable sourcing materials can read but cannot use and cite it in academic writings.

How to know materials are credible, reliable and valid?

You can observe three criteria in order to recognize whether the sourcing materials which are URL address, content and currency. Firstly, URL address that have .gov, .edu, .ac, .org are website that you can trust and take the materials from that while for .com URL address you must be cautious when want to use materials from that. Since, it is for commercial. Next, about content. You must observe the references, audience, author and bias/prejudice in the content. From references provide by author, you can see whether the author use other source in his writings. At least, you can know whether the author use the right source. You also can look to whom the article was written for and it is the article suitable on what you want to write in assignment. Then, look into the author expertness area whether he is very expert in the area like he has been working in affiliated company. Moreover, look at the credential whether the author is certified from any university. Last but not least, google the author bio and look for another information like maybe the author has won any competition in that area. You also must look for the currency like date and copyright, is it the article has been updated recently or it has been outdated. Besides, look at the copyright at the bottom of the webpage for more information about the article.

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Make it your own!

Assalammualaikum guys....:p

Today's entry:

        Do you know what plagiarism means? Is there any teacher at your school, college or university ever mention about this? Actually, plagiarism is really a big issue and you should not take it easy as it is already local and global phenomenon nowadays. It is okay if you do not know yet but today i will share the information about plagiarism and make sure after read my entry you guys will not committed plagiarism anymore. 
       Plagiarism means the presentation of the work of another person as one's own without proper acknowledgement. There are many example of plagiarism attitude such as copy work of a fellow student such as assignment, lab data, quiz and etc. Next, material is copied word for word from books, journal or internet sites and many more. The translate of the work into English from certain languages, do not cite your own work with the correct citation and simple paraphrasing which closely to the original. Furthermore, copy and paste attitude with buying papers online, self-plagiarism (recycling your own work whether from diploma or college past), fabrication data (answer the questionnaire by yourself to manipulate data so that you will get a good data), collusion (when you discuss with your friend the answer and write it out the same answer between you and your friend), outsourcing (when you ask someone else to do work for you and you pay them) and last but not least undeserved distribution ( when you are in group work but one of the member do not contribute anything during the discussion process but his name is being put into the work).

        There are several ways on how to avoid plagiarism such as you must explain where you got your information by insert the correct citation, you can send your work into turn-it in so that you can check how many percent is your purity of work, you need to place "quotations marks" around the words that you copied, paraphrasing sentences correctly so that it is not closely similar to the original, use your own words, cite with your name when you use your own work from previous study, do not buy papers in internet and lastly do not fabricate data but try to explain how you cannot get the good data.

        For your information, plagiarism can cause many bad effects such as it is not ethical, stealing others work, no integrity, no honestly, produce low quality of students, give bad image of university and etc. Therefore, you should make a step in order to prevent plagiarism in your work;you should try to read, understand and make it on your own word. By avoiding plagiarism, you can further higher and get a good job. Besides, everyone will trust you and your employer will respect. 

So guys, i hope everything that i have shared will give you little information about plagiarism and make you realise how bad plagiarism can effect your life. Let's prevent plagiarism!!!!! yeahhhh....


Teacher wannabe :p